Thursday, January 15, 2009

why do people

why do people hurt other people or make a promise and do not keep it . it hurts me when i see people hurting . i try to help people because that is what i do.

why are friends

why are friends so hard to have so times . because all people want thins to be about them . i ove my friends and all but the are a pain in my butt some times. not just them . i can be some times . every body can be . some times it is better when you are quite because then you have not thing to worry about . you can just hang out and be your self. i hate when people fight . why can't we have peace in the world . so we can be happy all the time.

what i do not like and like

i do not like snow days because you have to stay home and do notthing . then i do like it because then you get a brake off of school . and be a way from people so you can have your own space . some times it can be fun when you have friends come over to hang out with you . you have more time to finsh your home work when you need to trun it in the next day so you do not fall your classes . so you can graduate school .iam geting so exicted to get out of school . but then i am scared. because when i graduate school i will be 19 . then i will have lots of things to get done. but i am not in a rush to get out of school. all i am doing is going through school . then after i am out . i will take the next step. all i am doing is taking step by step in life . my mom does nto want me to grow up so fast . what parents want there kids to grow up fast .

Saturday, January 3, 2009


papa i always run up to you . i love you lots !!!!!!! because you are all mine . papa !!!!!! your little girl !!!!!! me!!! lol

the song i have on here is ture

this is a true song it speaks the true friendship. i love this song this song is to all of my true friends out there.Hockenberrys , Jamie my foster mom ,Angela Corchan thanks this is for you . I love you guys lots !!!!!! yes you have a friend that loves you ! ! thats me !!! just to let you Know. iam here . if you are a way from me all you have to do is call.

what i do in my life

what i do on my free time is write , hang out with friends , be a girl scout , and be on a youth team at my church . i love my team worship group it brings joy to me when i sing in my worship team. i love to perform in front of people . i really do !!! thats me all right!!!!

my friends

i have a family that is special to me . their are the Hockenberry family . we love to be together when we can. Lydia is a great friend . i am so happy she is my friend. she stands for what is right and most of she is her self and does not care if poeple make front of her for being in girl scouts. we love to be girls . also we love to hang out and be with each other. i have another friend his name is Ian . we went to school with each other. we still hang out and talk we love to be with each other. we love playing together . all three of us .so we can share the love with each other and kindness . we love to be together. they are some thing new in my life.

telling about Friends

there i s a family that means a lot to me . they are my friends we do thing together some times when they are not busy. they are the Hockenberry family . we have fun when we are together . they have good personalitys. they make me feel normale . i am so glad i got to meet them . what we like to do is laugh and be silly. not just that but to be with each other when we can . their names are Lydia, Ian my friends. Ian and I went to Highland high School together. but we still talk and hang out . Lydia she goes to Highland middle school . i hang out with her out of school . she is a great friend !!!! i am glad she is my friend. we do lots of fun stuff together like throw stuff at her brother , some times run a way from him. we love Girl Scouts together . but most of being together . we also like playing with her brother some times if we are all geting a long .or just cause we want to be nice . we love be are self , we just go with the flow. or if we want him around . we still have fun any where we go.

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Life in 2008

I an eventful year as did the weather with a blizzard and a windstorm that took down three of our trees, a trampoline and the neighbors fence. Adri won the Grand Champion award for the hope chest her and Papa made. When she saw this video she realized that she has had a great year and a great life with many things to remember and to be thankful for.


You can't put too much hope in your friends because they will let you down. They are fun to hang out with.


I have a family that loves me and care for me . i go t adopted when i was ten years old . Now i am fifteen . i have a good mom her name is Ranel and a papa named Dan. i am thankful that i have a family that loves to let you guys out there now keep touch with your family as much as you can because when you get older then you would not as much be around your parents because you will have your own life.what i like to do is hang out with friends and have fun. my race is hispanic.your family is really important to have. you have them there for you when you get in trouble and when your freinds leave you no matter what you do or go throught there are always there for you . remeber that.Iam going to be a freshmen this year. i now i can do it because i have family that loves me and get me throught hard times. i enjoy being around my family because i have fun doing activites. i love my life . my frenids are part of my family. because we do stuff together with my family .and we love each other like family.what can we do with out are parents nothing because we would not be a life today if it was not for are parents.i think having fun in life is important some of the is important that you keep your eyes on posittive things in your life because if you keep your eyes on negitive things then you would never be happy because you are hoping on some thing you cant have or do.

About me Adri

i love to have fun by listening to music and singing ,hanging out with friends , caring for people all kinds of ways , for got that i like to dance,play sports,and sever my country.i love to perform in front of people. I did it when i was younger. i am not perfect person I am glad to say. I am lay back go with the flow an enjoy what i do. i love to sining in church.

A Friend for Me

Digger is a special friend. we did lots of things together . we took naps together. we played together . when i was sad he would stay with me and not leave my side of me.he was a every special dog because my best friend Lindsey let me watch the dog .me and Digger was crying because we had to let each other go. digger went through a hard life . we love him a lot .but i had to let my Buddy go because we could not take care of him much longer because it was to much dogs . we have three dogs already. i wish good luck on my friend Digger.he will always be with me in my heart.he is a very pretty dog. you can tell him to do some thing and he will do it . it broke my heart when me and my bud have to let each other go.but i new my best friend Lindsey would make sure he went in to a good home.i will always love Digger not as much of Lindsey dose. Lindsey had him sense he was a baby. i am thankful that my friend let me take care of Digger.Digger is one years old.he is a Bas in Hound. love lots your friend adri.

Telling about me

i wan to let you all know i love to be my self . and have people that care for me i love all my family and friends even through rough times . as you could see the pictures i have i am happy.because it is ture . the people around me makes me who i am today. the joy we share together is great.most of all i love to have fun !! yes thats me .who do not like to have fun!! even old people lol are parents

sharing info

i am a sophmore at tri rivers it is a fun school there you do lots of fun stuff not just fun stuff but hard stuff to. it is a career center so you can pick what you want to do in your life after you graduate school so it is important for you to take school serious. so you can do what you want in life. never get up . even though you want to if you give up you will never go an y where in life . so keep going other words live your dream . go for what you want .are you going to be a quiter not me iam going for the big money !!!! ya hard wrok pays off. it is not important for you to have friends at school if you do great .if not then do not worry about it . be your self . dont change your self for any one .because it does not work they either like or they don't so what .they get you in trouble some time . when you wait the right person might come around to be your friend if that what god wants for you . if you have god you with you . you do not have to worry about any thing he has your back .so put all your faith on him. some people think if you be live in god you can not have but you can still have fun in diffrent ways . i have fun all the time .some times by making my self look stupied me .so what have fun. be a teen !! me and my freind Kendra make are self looks stupied all time but we do not care because thats how we show we are having fun with each other . even though people acts stuiped does not mean there is some thing wrong with them . they are having fun leave them alone.

For a True Sister

i have a sister that i now that means a lot to me because she is always there for me . when i need a hand . i can always count on her . she means the world to me because she is the bestest friend you can have . she is my role modle. thanks for every thing sis love ya