Monday, February 16, 2009

why do people have to be so mean when you did not do any thing to them . it hurts . i would under stand that if you did some thing ya they do have a right to be upset .


why do people give up when things go wrong. they think they can not talk about the problem. how can they slove there problem if they do not talk about it .

Friday, February 13, 2009

it is so nice that i have this family . because we they love care for me . most of all i have a papa that wanted me . and i am so thankful that i have a papa . like him !! i have so many things i want to tell him when he comes home . i hope he knows that i love him lots !!!! and that i would never change him for any thing in the world . i am so close to my papa . all i want to share to all of you. do not be afriad to get close to you papas {dad} they will always love you not matter what. they love you the way you are . your dads are you best friends you would ever have . so do not give up on them if you are having a hard time with them . thay show love a diffrent way then your mom . papa i love you lots i am counting the days when you are coming back !!!!!

so nice to know

it is so nice to know that there is people that loves me out there . when every thing goes crazy i know i can go to one of the people that loves me !!!! even though i feel like i am a lone some times i know that every thing will get tooken care of . it might not happen when i want it but when the right time comes . that will be really nice when every thing bad gos a way . but it takes time . some times i wish i can clap my hands and and every thing can go a way but it does not work that way. so i will let God do it for me i am ready for him any time.

when things go wrong!!!

when every thing goes wrong i think my life is over but really it is not. God is just trying to get your attention . to tell you some thing . i hate it when things go wrong but it is for the best . because God has some thing better to do in your life. even thought it might not feel like it . but it is God did so many things for me . God does not lie he keeps his promise at all times.